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2. Building pages

Now that we have our app using the UI Shell, it’s time to build a few static pages. In this step, we’ll become comfortable with the Carbon grid and various Carbon components.


A preview of what you’ll build:

Fork, clone and branch

This tutorial has an accompanying GitHub repository called carbon-tutorial that we’ll use as a starting point for each step. If you haven’t forked and cloned that repository yet, and haven’t added the upstream remote, go ahead and do so by following the step 1 instructions.


With your repository all set up, let’s check out the branch for this tutorial step’s starting point.

git fetch upstream
git checkout -b v11-next-step-2 upstream/v11-next-step-2

Note: This builds on top of step 1, but be sure to check out the upstream step 2 branch because it includes the static assets required to get through this step.

Build and start app

Install the app’s dependencies (in case you’re starting fresh in your current directory and not continuing from the previous step):


Then, start the app:

yarn dev

You should see something similar to where the previous step left off.

Add landing page grid

Let’s add our grid elements to our LandingPage page component.

In order to use the grid, we need to wrap everything in a <Grid>. Because we’re building with the new CSS Grid, we won’t be using typical rows. We’ll use a combination of <Column> and nested subgrids to create our layout.

The CSS Grid is a 16 column grid. We will specify the span of a <Column> using the sm, md, and lg props. For example, <Column sm={2} md={8} lg={8}/> means the column will span 2/4 columns at the small breakpoint, 8/8 columns at the medium breakpoint, 8/16 columns at the large breakpoint.

We’ve included the designs for this tutorial app in the design.figma file found as a top-level file in the carbon-tutorial repository. But, if you don’t have Sketch installed and available to inspect the design, we’ll provide screenshots.

Landing page grid

Landing page grid

Pro tip: CTRL-L toggles the layout in Sketch.

First, we need to import our grid components at the top of LandingPage:

'use client';
import { Grid, Column } from '@carbon/react';

We’ll break this down into three rows. The first row with the gray background doesn’t appear to need any columns. The second row with the white background looks like it has two columns of different widths. The third row with the gray background looks like it has four columns of equal width.

We’ll make rows like so:

return (
<Grid className="landing-page" fullWidth>
<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__banner">
<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__r2">
<Grid className="tabs-group-content">
<Column md={4} lg={7} sm={4} className="landing-page__tab-content">

We added a prop of fullWidth to the main grid container since our rows need to expand the whole page without any margins. We also added some custom classes like landing-page, landing-page__banner, landing-page__r2, etc., which we will use later.

Build landing page

We’ll start adding HTML elements and components by row.

First row

In our first row we’ll need a Breadcrumb component. First, let’s import the components we need. Because we’ll be importing several components for this page, we’ll import them directly from the @carbon/react package instead of the direct path for each one.

import { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbItem, Grid, Column } from '@carbon/react';

We can now add our component to the first row, along with a header, like so:

<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__banner">
<Breadcrumb noTrailingSlash>
<a href="/">Getting started</a>
<h1 className="landing-page__heading">Design &amp; build with Carbon</h1>

You may notice that the styles look off. Don’t worry, we’ll fix these later.

Second row

In our second row we’ll need Tabs and Button components. We’ll update the @carbon/react import to:

import {

Modify the second row to use the Tabs components.

Note: We’re using the grid for the page layout, but we also need to apply the grid within the tab content. When doing so, make sure the nested grid has the expected Grid > Column DOM structure. Nested grids are officially supported with our CSS Grid. If you are using FlexGrid, subgrid is not supported.

<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__r2">
<Tabs defaultSelectedIndex={0}>
<TabList className="tabs-group">

The <TabList> is the tab navigation, and the <TabPanels> contains each tab content. You’ll notice that within each <TabPanel>, we nested another <Grid> and <Column>. This is because the parent column <Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__r2"> is acting as a faux row, and each tab within that row contains the actual column content. When nesting columns, you must always wrap the nested group within another <Grid>.

Hold up! If you were to run the Equal Access Toolkit to check for accessibility violations, you’d see Multiple navigation landmarks must have unique labels specified with aria-label or aria-labelledby because both the Breadcrumb and Tabs components use <nav> elements. To fix, add aria-label to the Breadcrumb opening tag:

<Breadcrumb noTrailingSlash aria-label="Page navigation">

Same goes for the TabList opening tag:

<TabList className="tabs-group" aria-label="Tab navigation">

Next, we’ll need to add some styling overrides to move the tabs to the right on large viewports. Create a file _overrides.scss in src/app/home with this declaration block.

.landing-page__r2 .cds--tabs--scrollable {
transform: translateZ(0);
justify-content: flex-end;
.landing-page__r2 .cds--tab-content {
padding: 0;

Then in _landing-page.scss add this import at the top of the file.

@use './overrides.scss';

Note: We don’t have to include this in a separate file, but it’s nice to keep overrides separate from your application’s styling so when migrating to future Carbon versions and if there are breaking changes via different class names, you have a consolidated list of styling declaration blocks to review.

We can now add our images and text for each column in the first Tab in LandingPage.

Let’s import Image from Next.js by adding the following import under our Carbon React component imports.

import Image from 'next/image';
<Column md={4} lg={{ span: 8, offset: 7 }} sm={4}>
alt="Carbon illustration"

Now let’s set the image size in _landing-page.scss:

.landing-page__illo {
max-width: 100%;

Assuming that the second and third tab would have a similar design, we would set them up in the same way. However, since our design specs don’t show those tabs, we’ll leave the code as is.

Third row

The third row will be created in a later tutorial, so we’ll just add the headers for now.

<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="landing-page__r3">
<Column md={4} lg={4} sm={4}>
<h3 className="landing-page__label">The Principles</h3>
<Column md={4} lg={4} sm={4}>
Carbon is Open
<Column md={4} lg={4} sm={4}>

Style landing page

We’ve added basic layout styles in _landing-page.scss, so now let’s add type, color, and spacing styles to match the design. We’ll be using our spacing tokens. In _landing-page.scss, add these imports at the top of the file (above our overrides import) so we can use Carbon breakpoints, tokens, and typography Sass mixins and functions:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/spacing' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/type' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/breakpoint' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/theme' as *;
Banner vertical spacing

Banner vertical spacing

Pro tip: CTRL-G toggles the grid in Sketch.

Back to _landing-page.scss, we need to add space above the breadcrumb and below the heading. For that, add:

.landing-page__banner {
padding-top: $spacing-05;
padding-bottom: $spacing-07 * 4;
padding-left: $spacing-06;

Referencing the spacing token table, 16px can be set with the $spacing-05 token. The design calls for 128px of space below the heading and that’s not in the spacing scale. We can achieve this in Sass by multiplying 32px ($spacing-07) by 4. We could use 128px or 8rem directly in our styling, but using our tokens preserves consistency should the token values get updated in the future.

Looking at the design, we need a wall-to-wall light gray background behind the banner and also behind the third row. This is a great opportunity to use a Sass mixin. We could put this at the top of _landing-page.scss, but it’s best practice to place mixins in a dedicated file, so create a _mixins.scss file in src/app/home.

Add the following in _mixins.scss. Per the design we need to use Gray 10 for our banner background color, which can be set with the $layer-01 color token. Also, we want the background to extend into the grid’s outermost gutters to go the full width of the viewport, so given the DOM structure, we can achieve that by setting the background in an absolutely positioned pseudo element.

@use '@carbon/react/scss/spacing' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/theme' as *;
@mixin landing-page-background() {
background-color: $layer-01;
position: relative;

After you have created _mixins.scss, import it at the top of _landing-page.scss. By now you should have six imports:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/spacing' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/type' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/breakpoint' as *;
@use '@carbon/react/scss/theme' as *;
@use './mixins.scss' as *;
@use './overrides.scss';

Now to use the new mixin, update the .landing-page__banner declaration block to:

.landing-page__banner {
padding-top: $spacing-05;
padding-bottom: $spacing-07 * 4;
padding-left: $spacing-06;
@include landing-page-background;

Next, we can see that the h1 is using the heading-05 type token.

Banner heading type

Banner heading type

The Sketch symbol naming is consistent with the development Sass tokens to help translate design to development. So, looking up the type token, we know to use productive-heading-05:

.landing-page__heading {
@include type-style('productive-heading-05');

Row two

For our second row, we need to fix the tabs vertical positioning to match the design. By inspecting the tabs component, you can see that the tab height computes to 40px. We can use that to create our negative top margin in rem units.

.landing-page__r2 {
margin-top: rem(-40px);

We also need to adjust our vertical spacing and type treatment. Like before, it’s a matter of using spacing and type tokens like so:

Row 2 vertical spacing

Row 2 vertical spacing

Note: You may be wondering why there are vertical gaps between the type and spacers. Each type token has a line height that’s suited for its font size. The vertical spacers adjacently touch the line height boundaries and not the baseline, for consistency as well as development ease so margins and paddings don’t need to offset line heights.

.tabs-group-content {
padding: $spacing-10 $spacing-06;
.landing-page__subheading {
@include type-style('productive-heading-03');
font-weight: 600;

Row three

Row 3 vertical spacing

Row 3 vertical spacing

Let’s also add some styles for the last row, even though that will get used later in the tutorial. You’ll notice that we get to re-use the landing-page-background mixin that we just created.

.landing-page__r3 {
padding-top: $spacing-09;
padding-bottom: $spacing-09;
padding-left: $spacing-06;
@include landing-page-background;
.landing-page__label {
@include type-style('heading-01');

Lastly, we’ll fix some grid alignment issues. We’ll use one of our breakpoint mixins for the media queries, like so:

.landing-page__r3 {
margin-left: -20px;
margin-right: -20px;
@include breakpoint-down(md) {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;

We are almost done with the landing page. You may notice a few styles are off. To fix this, we’ll update some of the overriding styles in globals.scss. We already have some overriding styles for .cds--content. We need to add padding: 0; to this selector and add one more selector for the grid below that:

.cds--content {
margin-top: 3rem;
padding: 0;
background: var(--cds-background);
.cds--content .cds--css-grid {
max-width: 100%;
@include breakpoint(md) {

Since we are using our breakpoint mixin, we need to import the styles for that below our Carbon styles import:

@use '@carbon/react';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/breakpoint' as *;

Ta-da! You should see a finished landing page! Now we can move on to the repo page.

Add repo page grid

Now in our RepoPagecomponent in the src/app/repos/page.js file we’ll import our Grid components at the top:

'use client';
import { Grid, Column } from '@carbon/react';

Then add our grid containers in the return section.

return (
<Grid className="repo-page">
<Column lg={16} md={8} sm={4} className="repo-page__r1">
Data table will go here

Build repo page

We currently have RepoPage that just contains a grid and placeholder content for the time being. In the next tutorial step we’re going to be querying an API to populate the DataTable component in this page. As a best practice to separate data fetching from the presentation components, go ahead and create a RepoTable.js as a sibling to page.js in src/app/repos.

Build data table

First, we’ll add our data table by importing a few components in RepoTable.js:

import React from 'react';
import {

Then, let’s create the RepoTable component and export it at the very bottom of RepoTable.js.

const RepoTable = ({ rows, headers }) => {
return (

This component uses two props, rows and headers, and returns a Carbon DataTable. As for where the various Table* components came from? The DataTable story in Storybook was used to put together the data table structure.

Note: The getTableProps, getHeaderProps, and getRowProps functions each tell the DataTable component to process and return the necessary props that are needed by the Table, TableHeader and TableRow components respectively. We take the return of that function (an object containing the props) and spread it out into the component.

At this point, return to RepoPage because now we need to render a static RepoTable.

Render data table

Import RepoTable into RepoPage.

'use client';
import RepoTable from './RepoTable';
import { Grid, Column } from '@carbon/react';

Then below the imports, include the following arrays to pass into the RepoTable component. We’ll be setting the rows array from an API in the next tutorial step, but for now, static example rows will suffice.

const headers = [
key: 'name',
header: 'Name',
key: 'createdAt',
header: 'Created',

Lastly in RepoPage, we need to simply replace Data table will go here with:

<RepoTable headers={headers} rows={rows} />

Style repo page

Our styles for the repo page are mostly fine. We just need to update a few vertical spacing issues.

In _repo-page.scss, add the following styles:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/spacing' as *;
.repo-page__r1 {
padding-top: $spacing-05;
padding-bottom: $spacing-05;

Congratulations! We’ve now created our static repo page!

Submit pull request

We’re going to submit a pull request to verify completion of this tutorial step.

Continuous integration (CI) check

Run the CI check to make sure we’re all set to submit a pull request.

yarn ci-check

Note: If the ci-check is giving an error, it’s likely that some of your source files are not properly formatted. This could happen if your text editor isn’t formatting with Prettier on save. To get ci-check to pass, run yarn format then re-run yarn ci-check.

Git commit and push

Before we can create a pull request, format your code, then stage and commit all of your changes:

yarn format
git add --all && git commit -m "feat(tutorial): complete step 2"

Then, push to your repository:

git push origin v11-next-step-2

Note: Having issues pushing your changes? Step 1 has troubleshooting notes that may help.

Pull request (PR)

Finally, visit carbon-react-tutorial to “Compare & pull request”. In doing so, make sure that you are comparing to v11-next-step-2 into base: v11-next-step-2.

Note: Expect your tutorial step PRs to be reviewed by the Carbon team but not merged. We’ll close your PR so we can keep the repository’s remote branches pristine and ready for the next person!

Note: If your PR fails the CircleCI test with the error Can't make a request in offline mode, try running the following command: rm -rf .yarn-offline-mirror node_modules && yarn cache clean && yarn install. Add and commit the changes once this completes, and try pushing again.